2024 Oakwood Property Valuations

Ian Shields and Peter Rumsey are preparing information on how the 2024 property revaluations affect Oakwood. Watch the listserve for updates or check back here frequently. See our contact information at the bottom of this page. We have also included contact information for other neighborhood realtors.

Wake County Revaluation


The new value is effective January 1, 2024. Your 2024 tax bill will be based on this valuation multiplied by a tax rate to be set by the County and your municipality (City of Raleigh) next spring. Do NOT use the current 2023 tax rates to figure your 2024 tax bill since the new rate may change from the current rate. For general information about the appeal process, see the information included in the Wake County notice, call the County at 919-856-600, or go to www.WakeGov.com/tax.

Some basic data for your consideration

We have extracted Oakwood data from the downloadable files available from the Wake County Real Estate Data Property Data files site. The 2020 valuation data was downloaded on Dec 30, 2023 from file RealEstData12292023.zip. The 2024 valuation data was downloaded on Jan 26, 2024 from file RealEstData01262024.zip

We separated the information for residential zoning (R-10 or other R-xx) from that for other zoning such as PD, OX-3, etc. You will find the residentail data first in all data except the raw CSV data which just has the extracted data that we used as a basis for the other formats.

The following summary information will help you put your own data in context.

Oakwood Property Revaluation Data

Ian has prepared 4 files with the Oakwood data. He believes the calculations to be correct, but makes no guarantees. Use the data at your won risk! If you find errors, please let Ian know so he can address the issue.

All data is based on data files available from Wake County Real Estate Property Data Files. The latest data from the 2020 valuation was downloaded on December 29 2023 while the current 2024 data was downloaded on January 25 2024.

The PDF version
Use this version if you want a printed copy.

This document has 14 pages organized by street and block within street.
The HTML version
Use this to browse the report data online.

This version is not recommended for printing.
The ODS version
This is a spreadsheet prepared with LibreOffice. It will open in OpenOffice.org and should open in recent versions of Microsoft Excel. Excel may not preserve all formatting.
The CSV version
Use this if you want to manipulate the raw data in your own spreadsheet program. You can open it with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice.org Calc, or other spreadsheet programs. The separator is a tab character.

The Code Description list will assist in helping define the data displayed in some of the use fields.

If you want to work with the original record layout in the text file,use the Record Layout to identify the starting position and name of each data field. This describes all 711 characters in each field from which I extracted the above data.

To Appeal or Not to Appeal?

An appeal can result in either a higher or lower valuation, so don't appeal unless you have good reason to believe that your valuation is too high. For this you generally either need an appraisal or a comparison with surrounding properties showing that your is out-of-line. That's where all the data on this site comes in handy.

There are two kinds of appeal, with different deadlines.